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Cultivating Tomorrow's Leaders: CMTY Founders

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Leverage the power of CMTY

In today's rapidly evolving business landscape, the need for visionary leadership has never been more crucial. To address this demand and ensure a prosperous future, we have assembled a team of seasoned business leaders to establish a community dedicated to the development and education of the next generation of business leaders.

CMTY Founders Mission:

Our mission is to cultivate a new breed of community and business leaders who possess not only the necessary skills and knowledge but also the ethical grounding essential for success in the modern world. Through mentorship, education, and community engagement, we aim to empower individuals to become impactful leaders capable of navigating complex challenges with integrity and innovation.

Key Objectives:

Mentorship Programs:

Leveraging the wealth of experience and expertise within our team, we will offer mentorship programs tailored to the needs of aspiring business leaders. Through one-on-one guidance and coaching, mentees will receive invaluable insights and support to help them navigate their professional journey.

Educational Initiatives:

We recognize the importance of continuous learning in today's dynamic business environment. Therefore, we will develop educational resources and programs designed to equip individuals with the knowledge and skills required to thrive in the ever changing business environment.


Developing The next generation of business leaders and farmers

CMTY Founders Mastermind | Leverage the power of CMTY Wisdom

In today's rapidly evolving business landscape, the need for visionary leadership has never been more crucial. To address this demand and ensure a prosperous future, a team of seasoned business leaders is coming together to establish a nonprofit community dedicated to the development and education of the next generation of business leaders.

Rescuing Farms |Raising up People | Restoring Local Communities

Communities Rescuing local farms: Partnering with Sustainaculture Farms

Sustainaculture Farm, Inc. is a Virginia non-profit organization that aims to promote biblically based sustainable and responsible agriculture practices by providing fresh and healthy produce to the local community. Our goal is to create a model of sustainable agriculture that prioritizes the health of the environment, the community, and the economy. We will achieve this by utilizing innovative farming techniques, educating the community, and establishing partnerships with other like-minded organizations.

Restoring Local Communities | Access to Capital with integrity

Decentralized Finance using the block chain

Community Coin is a new way to pay for things. You can buy lunch with it or finance the purchase of a home. A Community Coin is a stable coin and always will be worth one dollar.

A new currency is great, but why stop there? You can have a new bank, too.

A virtual bank where you’re the banker and you can make loans to yourself, issue your own credit card and set your interest rates.

When you join the community, you will get a personal vault where you can deposit tokenized representations of all your assets.

Tokenizing Assets:

A Non-Fungible Token (NFT) is a unique, encrypted file that contains all the information needed to define the actual asset: photos, legal description, serial number, value, outstanding loans, etc.

These assets can include real estate, vehicles, precious metals, jewelry, a stock portfolio, your dog – any unique item that you can gather information on and put a verifiable value on (that would be a pedigreed dog, not a rescue shelter mutt). This is the same exercise you used to go through to insure items or produce a balance sheet for a loan application. Now you can just show them your vault.

Get in touch with us

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Donec quam felis, ultricies nec, pellentesque eu, pretium quis, sem. Nulla consequat massa quis enim. Donec pede justo, fringilla vel, aliquet nec, vulputate eget, arcu. In enim justo, rhoncus ut, imperdiet.

  • (540) 598-2721

  • 60 Edgewood Drive

  • Monday - Friday, 8:00 am - 5:00 pm

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  • (540) 598-2721

  • 60 Edgewood Drive

  • Monday - Friday, 8:00 am - 5:00 pm

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